The landscape of personal computing in Australia has evolved dramatically over the past five years, with shifts in consumer preferences influenced by technological advancements, lifestyle changes, and the impact of global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

This article provides a comprehensive comparison of desktop, laptop, and tablet sales in Australia from 2019 to 2023, examining trends, market dynamics, and the implications for consumers and manufacturers alike.


Overview of the Computing Market in Australia

The Australian computing market encompasses three primary categories: desktops, laptops, and tablets. Each segment has distinct characteristics, target audiences, and usage scenarios. Desktops are traditionally favored for performance-intensive tasks, laptops offer portability for mobile users, and tablets provide a versatile experience for casual browsing and media consumption.


Sales Trends Over the Last Five Years

1. Desktop Sales Trends

Desktops have historically been associated with high performance and reliability, making them popular for professional environments, gaming, and multimedia applications. However, the market has faced challenges in recent years.

  • 2019: In 2019, Australia saw approximately 1.3 million desktop units sold. The market remained stable, with desktops primarily purchased by businesses and gamers who required robust performance for demanding applications.
  • 2020: The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a slight decline in desktop sales, with approximately 1.2 million units sold. Many businesses shifted to remote work, leading to increased demand for laptops and tablets instead.
  • 2021: Sales further declined to about 1.1 million units as the trend toward mobile computing solidified. Consumers increasingly opted for portable solutions, leaving desktops to niche markets.
  • 2022: The desktop market continued to struggle, with around 1 million units sold. The focus on remote work and online education diminished the need for traditional desktop setups in many households.
  • 2023: By 2023, desktop sales had stabilized at approximately 950,000 units. Despite the decline, desktops still hold significant market share in gaming and creative sectors, with manufacturers introducing powerful all-in-one models that cater to specific needs.

2. Laptop Sales Trends

Laptops have seen robust growth in recent years, driven by their versatility and the increasing reliance on mobile computing for both work and leisure.

  • 2019: The laptop market in Australia was strong, with approximately 3.6 million units sold. Laptops were becoming the preferred choice for many consumers, thanks to their portability and performance.
  • 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic caused a surge in laptop sales, reaching 4.6 million units. Remote work and online learning led to increased demand, with many consumers upgrading their devices to facilitate a better working and studying experience.
  • 2021: Sales remained high at around 4.3 million units, as hybrid work models became established. Consumers sought devices that supported productivity, entertainment, and connectivity.
  • 2022: In 2022, laptop sales stabilized at approximately 4 million units. While demand was still strong, the rapid growth experienced during the pandemic began to level off as many consumers had recently upgraded their devices.
  • 2023: By 2023, laptop sales were projected at around 4.1 million units, reflecting a continued interest in laptops, particularly in the mid-range segment that balances performance and affordability.

3. Tablet Sales Trends

The tablet market has also undergone significant changes, particularly during the pandemic, as more consumers turned to these devices for remote learning, work, and entertainment.

  • 2019: Tablet sales in Australia were around 1.8 million units in 2019. The market was primarily driven by students and casual users seeking portable devices for media consumption and light productivity.
  • 2020: The pandemic led to a significant increase in tablet sales, reaching 2.4 million units as families sought affordable devices for online education and entertainment during lockdowns.
  • 2021: Sales remained high at approximately 2.3 million units, as many consumers continued to rely on tablets for both educational and recreational purposes.
  • 2022: In 2022, tablet sales stabilized at around 2.1 million units. While the initial surge had tapered off, tablets continued to find a solid user base among students and casual users.
  • 2023: By 2023, sales were projected at approximately 2.2 million units, indicating a modest recovery as more consumers embraced tablets for hybrid learning and leisure activities.


Comparative Analysis of Sales Data (2019-2023)

When comparing the sales trends of desktops, laptops, and tablets over the last five years, several key observations emerge:

1. Growth Patterns

  • Desktops: Sales have experienced a steady decline, primarily due to the shift toward portable devices. The desktop segment has become increasingly niche, focused on gaming, creative professionals, and businesses that require high performance.
  • Laptops: This category has seen robust growth, particularly during the pandemic. Laptops have become the dominant computing device, reflecting their versatility and the increasing demand for mobile solutions. Even as the market stabilizes post-pandemic, laptops remain essential for many consumers.
  • Tablets: The tablet market experienced significant growth during the pandemic, but sales have stabilized as the initial surge subsided. Tablets continue to serve a valuable role for casual users and students, but they have not reached the sales volume of laptops.

2. Market Shares

  • In 2019, laptops held the largest market share at approximately 56%, followed by desktops at 23% and tablets at 21%. By 2023, laptops maintained their lead with about 58% of the market, while desktops decreased to around 12% and tablets increased slightly to 20%.

3. Consumer Preferences

Consumer preferences have shifted significantly towards laptops and tablets due to their portability and functionality. The pandemic accelerated these trends, leading to increased demand for devices that facilitate remote work and online learning.


Future Projections and Implications

Looking ahead, the Australian computing market is expected to continue evolving:

  • Desktops: The desktop market is likely to remain stable but with limited growth. Innovations in design and performance may keep some segments, such as gaming and creative professionals, engaged. Manufacturers will need to adapt to the niche requirements of this market.
  • Laptops: The demand for laptops is expected to remain strong, driven by ongoing hybrid work arrangements and the need for versatile devices. The market may see further growth in mid-range laptops that offer a balance of performance and affordability, catering to a broad audience.
  • Tablets: The tablet market is anticipated to see gradual growth as more consumers recognize their value for educational purposes and media consumption. Tablets that integrate advanced features like stylus support and 5G connectivity will likely appeal to a growing demographic of students and professionals.



The last five years have shown a clear evolution in the computing landscape in Australia, with laptops emerging as the preferred choice for consumers seeking versatility and portability. While desktops have experienced a decline, tablets have carved out a niche, particularly in education and casual use. As technology continues to advance and consumer needs change, manufacturers will need to adapt their offerings to remain competitive in this dynamic market.


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