The education landscape in Victoria, Australia, has seen a profound shift with the integration of technology in classrooms. Computers, laptops, and tablets are now critical tools that enhance learning and facilitate digital literacy among students.

This article examines how many computers, laptops, and tablets are used annually in Victorian schools, exploring usage trends and procurement practices.


The Role of Technology in Victorian Schools

The use of technology in Victorian schools has been driven by several key goals:

  1. Facilitating Digital Learning: Victorian schools are embedding technology into daily teaching to promote digital literacy, allowing students to learn and develop skills essential in a digital world.
  2. Supporting Personalized Education: Through digital devices, teachers can tailor lessons and assignments to meet individual student needs, fostering a more dynamic and interactive learning environment.
  3. Preparing Students for the Future: Technology helps equip students with the skills required for future workforces that are increasingly reliant on digital proficiency and critical thinking.

Programs such as the Victorian Digital Technologies Curriculum have supported the integration of technology in schools, ensuring that students develop strong foundational skills in using digital tools.


Device Usage in Victorian Schools


Computers, particularly desktops, are still widely used in many Victorian schools, although there is a growing shift towards mobile devices like laptops and tablets for flexible learning environments.

  1. Public Schools: Victoria has around 1,530 public schools, with a student population of over 620,000. Desktop computers are primarily used in computer labs and for administrative purposes. It’s estimated that there are approximately 150,000-170,000 computers in use across public schools, maintaining a 1:4 computer-to-student ratio. Public schools tend to refresh or replace around 25,000 to 30,000 computers annually.
  2. Private Schools: Victoria also has about 700 private schools, which tend to have more resources and higher technology integration. With approximately 80,000-100,000 computers in use in private schools, they often refresh their computer infrastructure more frequently, replacing about 15,000-20,000 computers each year.

Total Computers: In total, there are around 230,000 to 270,000 computers used in Victorian schools, with an annual intake of approximately 40,000 to 50,000 new computers.



Laptops are increasingly the device of choice in Victorian schools, largely due to their portability and versatility, which align with modern educational practices. Schools in both the public and private sectors have embraced laptops as the primary tool for student and teacher use.

  1. Public Schools: Public schools have adopted a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy, although many schools still provide laptops for students without access to their own devices. It’s estimated that 200,000-220,000 laptops are currently in use in Victorian public schools. Annually, the state procures around 50,000-60,000 laptops to keep up with demand and replace outdated devices.
  2. Private Schools: Private schools in Victoria generally lead the way in adopting 1:1 laptop programs, where each student is provided with a personal device. Around 80,000-90,000 laptops are in use across private schools, with annual purchases totaling approximately 20,000-25,000 new laptops.

Total Laptops: Across both public and private schools, 280,000 to 310,000 laptops are currently being used, with an annual procurement rate of around 70,000 to 85,000 new laptops each year.



Tablets are particularly popular in primary and early learning settings, as their touchscreen interfaces are ideal for younger students. Additionally, they are frequently used in special education, where they provide accessibility features that help students with diverse learning needs.

  1. Public Schools: In Victorian public schools, tablets are widely used in younger year levels (kindergarten to Year 4) and special education environments. There are approximately 120,000-140,000 tablets currently in use. Public schools replace or introduce about 20,000 to 25,000 new tablets annually as part of tech refresh cycles and expanding tablet programs.
  2. Private Schools: Private schools in Victoria also utilize tablets extensively, especially for personalized and interactive learning. Private schools have around 40,000-50,000 tablets in circulation, with an annual procurement rate of about 10,000 to 15,000.

Total Tablets: Combining both public and private sectors, Victorian schools use around 160,000 to 190,000 tablets, with annual purchases of 30,000 to 40,000 new tablets each year.


The Growing Role of Technology in Victorian Schools

Technology in Victorian schools continues to evolve, driven by a few significant trends:

  1. BYOD and 1:1 Device Programs: The widespread adoption of BYOD and 1:1 device programs in both public and private schools has made technology more accessible. Many schools are moving towards ensuring every student has access to a laptop or tablet, either through school-provided devices or personal devices brought from home.
  2. Digital Literacy Focus: The Victorian curriculum emphasizes the importance of digital literacy, not only in IT-specific subjects but across the board in all areas of learning. This push has increased demand for classroom devices as students learn to navigate a variety of digital tools and platforms.
  3. Remote and Hybrid Learning: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of technology in maintaining continuity in education. Victorian schools have integrated online learning platforms and resources to support remote learning. This trend has made devices like laptops and tablets indispensable in the classroom and at home.
  4. Sustainability: As schools increase their use of technology, there is a growing focus on sustainability. Schools are seeking more eco-friendly devices and participating in recycling programs to reduce electronic waste.
  5. Government Support: The Victorian government has continued to invest in technology for education. Programs like Tech Schools, which focus on delivering high-tech STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, further drive demand for up-to-date devices in schools.


Annual Procurement Trends in Victorian Schools

Looking at the combined figures for public and private schools in Victoria, it’s clear that schools are making significant investments in technology each year:

  • Computers: Around 40,000 to 50,000 new desktop computers are purchased annually.
  • Laptops: Roughly 70,000 to 85,000 new laptops are introduced every year.
  • Tablets: Approximately 30,000 to 40,000 new tablets are acquired annually to replace outdated models and expand learning programs.

These investments reflect the growing reliance on technology in education and the need to equip students with modern tools for learning.


The integration of technology in Victorian schools is pivotal to delivering modern, flexible, and effective education. Schools across the state are making substantial investments in computers, laptops, and tablets to ensure that students have the tools they need to succeed in a digital world.

With approximately 230,000-270,000 computers, 280,000-310,000 laptops, and 160,000-190,000 tablets in use, Victorian schools are embracing the future of education. As demand for these devices continues to grow, schools will further integrate cutting-edge technologies to enhance learning experiences and prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.


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